Marriage: A Letter To My Future Self

This letter is written to my future self.”

Dear Jacob,

I write this letter with trepidation and deep concern for myself. Because I do not know how this choice of mine is going to turn out, but future will tell.

My mum, elder siblings, colleagues, and friends keep asking me when would I bring that prim damsel home. I always keep them off and asking for more time. “But time is running out,” they say. So I’m about throwing the trowel.

Before then, why do I intend marrying her? What distinctive features does she have that endeared her to me? Could it be her curve, intelligence, profession, look, beauty etc.?

Hmm… I can’t go into specifics in just a piece, but some features stood her out. And I’m ready to spell them out anyway as much as possible.

The truth is, so many romantic best seller books are out there that enumerated wife constituents; and those that fit into take-to-mama materials. Though, I consumed as much as I can, especially Bible and other literature. Yet, I’m not blinded by what my heart craved.

However, I consider some, but above all follow my heart anyway, along with those values I hold dear.

I made my choices regarding personal values that I cannot trade away. Among four of such philosophies include intelligence, leadership — service, spirituality, character, and respect.

Finally, her beauty is a defining factor, no doubt, but aren’t enough. So, my inestimable jewel is my dearest, Christy. She is my woman, my everything.

Is my choice of a partner going to destroy or decorate me? I do not know the answer, yet. The answer to that question lies years ahead. But I do hope in years to come, I would have a reason to look back and congratulate myself for making a rightful decision.



Mused from music track titled, “It’s Not Easy” by Lucky Dube.

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